We are a Michigan-based multimedia productions company that provides digital design and content creation for customers around the country. Established in 1997 during the dawn of radio & digital video production. Built My Way Media is a company specializing in TV commercials, corporate videos, voiceovers, photography, Documentaries, Website Design, Graphics and Printed Media and Advertising.
History Over the past decade, Built My Way Media has evolved from Michigan area's leading producers of local TV commercials to a full service branding marketing and advertising resource for both agencies and individual clients.
Clients Our client list includes national names like: Cash for Gold, Auto Smart America, and Attorney Alison Folmar. We would love to add your company to this list of satisfied customers.
Core Belief Built My Way Media believes marketing is about communication with individuals. People won't buy anything they don't "en masse", because a TV ad tells them to, but someone who identifies with your message will show up the NEXT day because they speak the same language.
Goal When a person feels their needs or desires align with your product or services, you have a new customer. Built My Way Media is here to foster that feeling.